Friday, April 3, 2009


We have a meeting set up for Wednesday, April 8th, at 6:30 my home, 10601 Twilight Dr, RSVP 314-849-8065 home, or 314-283-1227 cell.

Discuss potential fundraiser in September. Looking at the 19th as it's close to Megs birthday!
Considering a Bocce Tournament. We are not looking to have as large an event as the Valentine's Day Dance.

Spoke to Tom Savio at Milo's Tavern on the hill. They have two covered courts. We could invite 32 (4) person teams to play in a tournament on a Saturday. We could charge $100 to $200 per team to enter the tournament. As it is an establishment that sells food and drinks we would not be able to make money from the sale of either of those but could maybe add some raffle items, or sell 50/50 tickets - open to suggestions from the committee. Milo's will be of course happy to work with us.

Alternatives would be to try and set up a bocce tournament at a park, and this has been done before at Berra Park, and have an outdoor event. We then might be able to get food and drink donated and sell for profit. This would be a more extensive undertaking and we'd need lots more volunteers so that is something to consider.

Other News:
The video is up on the website now. We hope to improve on it as we were crunched for time the first time out.

Also, look for our 'Wish List' to be added for items we need donated like office equipment, or paper supplies and ideas for raising money. This could be simple things like cupcake sales at a girl scout meeting to including us on a company match program, etc. so look for that to come.

I am considering taking Megs to a Usher Syndrome Family Conference in Boston in June to be held at Harvard and sponsored by foundations like the coalition we have joined (find our link on and the FFB. Top researchers will be in attendance and it will give us a chance to meet other families affected by Usher Syndrome.

Okay, that's it for now. Hope to see you all soon and keep in touch. Don't be afraid to shout out ideas and opinions or additional ideas. Take care.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Follow up meeting

I have scheduled a follow up meeting for Wednesday, March 18th at 6:30 for anyone that has volunteered or is interested in having input about the Valentine's Dance or future events. The meeting will be at my house, 10601 Twilight Drive - 314-849-8065 to rsvp. Thank you!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Somehow there is always a revision

We will be postponing the bowling party. Nicole can't make it and as she is MVP volunteer we need her there. I will find out when Erin plans to visit home and make it that weekend.

Other news. At this juncture the Randall Gallery is the top vote for the Valentine event for next year. It will be Saturday, February 13th.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things you can do here

Hi all, Christine here. I've added a few things here to make using this page easy. Scroll down a bit and you can choose to 'subscribe' to the blog. If you use some sort of feed service, everything posted will go into your feed. Also, scroll way down -- I've added a live chat room where you can talk to other people, live.

I'll always be thinking of new ways to make communicating easy for you all and will post anything new here.


Welcome to the USF Volunteer Website!!

Okay, here's the deal. As volunteers of USF you are invited to check in here for updates. If I have announcements, questions or statements to make I will post them here and you can respond or not. In any case it will help eliminate the clogging of people professional and personal email accounts and make it easy to keep up with the happenings of USF.

As of today, I am still working on a possible bowling party. If it is to happen at all it will have to be Friday or Saturday evening next week because after that Erin is off to Chi town. So, I will be back with details. As I know things, so shall you.

Thanks everyone!